NCOWS May 2024 Match Report

The May 2024 monthly South Carolina Old West Shootists (SCOWS) match was held on Sunday, May 12, 2024. Mothers’ Day obligations kept a number of shooters from attending, but we were still able to field a respectable group of six (6) Cowboys, including 1 new cowboy shooter (Clancy Henry, who shot *really* well), for the match.

The posse was treated to a beautiful sunny day, with temperatures in the 70’s and a nice breeze, which made shooting even more enjoyable.  As usual, the match consisted of 4 main stages, which, for this match, were based on the final gunfights, all of which ended badly, of some notorious outlaws of the Old West, and a timed bonus stage, which 3 of the shooters were able to complete in under 10 seconds, including one cowboy (Y Kid) who shot the bonus stage clean with a time of 7.32 seconds.

There was 1 clean shooter for the match, Sgt. Henry; but despite his unerring accuracy, he ended up coming in second place in his category (Working Cowboy), being beaten by Youghiogheny Kid, who posted an adjusted time score that was about 6 & 1/2 seconds faster. Congrats anyway, Sarge!

Here are the match results:

Elder 4 Gun Duelist Outlaw (for the most part)

Doc Who                                                   510.93

Elder 4 Gun Shootist

Manassas                                                 DNF [equipment failure]

4 Gun Shootist

Clancy Henry                                            344.56

John Henry                                               384.94

Working Cowboy (1 Rifle, 1 Pistol)

Youghiogheny Kid                                   191.88

Sgt. R. Henry (clean match)                     198.35

Congratulations to all and thanks to everyone for a great match.


The next monthly NCOWS match will be on Sunday, June 9, 2024. The match will consist of 4 main stages and a bonus stage, based on events from the Old West.

Also, the month of June 2024 contains 5 Saturdays, which means that SCOWS will be holding one of its irregularly scheduled “5th Saturday” matches next month on Saturday, June 29, 2024. This will be our annual Capt. JEB Forrest Memorial Match, which was established to honor posse founder Capt. JEB, and is now an opportunity to honor those cowboys no longer riding with us who were an important part of our posse. Not only will we have a fun, interesting match, but there will also be a picnic-style luncheon for us all to share in cowboy fellowship and fond memories. Miss Janelle, Capt. JEB’s better half, and members of his family are planning to join us (some may even pick up a gun or two), and we strongly encourage anyone with a connection to the posse, especially former posse members who have hung up their spurs and are no longer actively shooting, to come on out and share this special day with us.

Hope to see you all there.