NCOWS July 2024 Match Report

The South Carolina Old West Shootists, MCRC’s NCOWS-sanctioned cowboy action posse, recently held its regularly scheduled “2nd Sunday” match for the month of July on Sunday, July 14, 2024. Seven (7) shooters, including a new NCOWS member, braved the absolutely miserable heat and participated in a full 4 stage match, which even also included a very short bonus stage created on the spot, given that there wasn’t one in the stage book, since the posse’s designated stage-writer had correctly pre-determined that it was going to be “too damn hot for a bonus stage.”

Other than the ants once again getting into the food (this time, the breakfast pastries), and a minor hand injury to one shooter on the first stage that ended his day early, a good time was had by all.

There were no clean shooters for the match, although Sgt. Henry had a “Dagnabbit” (an “almost clean” match) courtesy of only 1 miss, which, as always seems to happen, occurred late in the final stage. An honorable mention also goes out to Rowdy McCabe, who ended the day with only 2 misses, and was the only shooter on Stage 2 to not bring his shotgun to the firing line “just in case” he needed to “clean up” any misses on the knock-downs.

Congratulations to all and thanks to everyone for a great match.


Our next monthly match is scheduled for Sunday, August 11, 2024. The match will consist of 4 main stages and a bonus stage, based on events from the Old West. Hope to see you all there.