We will not have a match in December, the fourth Saturday is Christmas day. I hope everyone has a great holiday. Enjoy the time off, do a little shooting to keep those skills up, and I want to charge all of our shooters with this: help us grow our match participation. We offered some beginner’s classes and those seemed to help. We will offer a few more in 2022. Please let anyone interested in safe shooting know they are welcome to come out the 4th Saturday and shoot with us. Thanks to all of you for helping us, without you all we would not be having a monthly match. Our numbers may be down, but me and Mike remain committed to putting on fun and challenging monthly matches. DR-
IDPA Report November 2021
November Defensive Pistol Match (also our annual Toys For Tots Fundraiser Match) was held November 27, 2021. 22 shooters on match day. Cool in the morning when we started, high was 60.
Winners of each class from Practiscore:
High Expert: Bob Bailey shooting Carry Optics Pistol (COP), also the Overall Match Winner.
High Sharpshooter: Paul Gentner shooting COP.
High Marksman: Jim Kornilieff shooting Concealed Carry Pistol (CCP).
High Novice: John Champoux shooting COP.
High Unclassified: Tim Isaac shooting COP.
High Not For Competition: Stevie Phillips shooting .22 caliber.
Honorable mention: Dan Higgins, Sharpshooter shooting Enhanced Service Pistol, was down 1 for the match, a rare feat indeed.
Next match will be January 22, 2022 at 10 am. Please come join us!
Set up crew: Mike Phillips, Don Rawls, Bill Kilgore, Jim Kornilieff, Roy Johnson, Karen Fields, and Stevie Phillips.
Other notes: A good match overall, we had 5 Scenario Stages, and a ”fun” stage using dueling stars. Props: Roy Johnson found our old bad guy rail runner setup so we used it, along with the compressor activated target turners, the real car and the kick door.
Safety Officer Class?: Interested in becoming an IDPA Safety Officer? Our Area Coordinator says that if we have enough interest, he will come to MCRC and offer the SO Certification Class in January. Let us know and we will continue to announce this at our matches.
Drop us a note [email protected].
Respectfully submitted: Don Rawls & Mike Phillips, MCRC IDPA Co Match Directors