July 2022 IDPA Report
We had 25 shooters come to our July 23th match at MCRC. Weather was clear, temp in the bays was 100 degrees, extreme humidity (we do have sports drinks on ice at all of our matches). 5 stages, comprised of 1 Standards Stage, 3 Scenario stages and the 5 x 5 Classifier. Our summer pattern continues, with nothing too crazy as far as stage design. For next month’s BUG Friendly Match, we will step it up slightly.
Winners of each class and their division:
High Master: Mike Wilkerson (Pistol Caliber Carbine) [Match Raw Time = 60.83 seconds, blazing]
High Expert: Bob Bailey (Carry Optics Pistol)
High Sharpshooter: Darrell Connelly (COP)
High Marksman: Chris Wood (Concealed Carry Pistol)
High Novice: Jonney Grunnet (Enhanced Service Pistol)
High Unclassified: Matt Klas (COP)
Most Accurate: Geraldo Cruzado (PCC) was 3 down for the match [Excellent].
Setup Crew: Mike Phillips, Stevie Phillips, Geraldo Cruzado, Julie Ragland and Bob Bailey. Many many thanks!
Match Breakdown:
Ladies – 2
Juniors (17 and under) – 1
Seniors – 7
Distinguished Seniors (65+) – 8
Military – 2
Law Enforcement – 1
[Match Director Comments: We are an old group. Nearly half of the group that reported is retirement age or above. We need young folks to join us. This is one reason I hold Introduction to IDPA classes a few times a year and beg for folks to spread the word and bring someone with them]
Stage Breakdown:
Let’s take a minute to look at and break down a simple stage that was shot this month. Stage 2, “Studio 54”.
Mike Wilkerson was fastest on this stage with a time of 11.93 seconds…
17 shooters went 0 down (meaning all 18 of their shots were all placed inside the 8” body circle and/or the 4” head circle)…
3 shooters hit a non-threat target and received a 5 second penalty…
Take a look at it below and see how you would approach it:

Next match will be Saturday August 27, 2022. This will be our annual BUG Friendly Match, with lower round count and shorter distances. Please come join us. Spread the word and bring someone with you!
Comments are appreciated below if you are viewing this on our Facebook page IDPA at MCRC. Or at our e-mail address [email protected].
[submitted by Don Rawls]