June 2024 IDPA Report
We had 35 dedicated shooters come to our June 22nd match at MCRC. Temp in the bays was 85 degrees. 4 scenario stages; 1 standards stage and a Warm Up. A good-sized crowd for a really hot and humid day. Thanks for attending our match and it was great to see a few shooters we have not seen in a while.
Winners of each class and their division (from Practiscore):
High Overall: Jonathan Oliver (also High Carry Optics Pistol and High Master)
High Expert: Bob Bailey, COP, 2nd Overall
High Sharpshooter: Brian Mello (COP)
High Marksman: Matthew Stugart (COP)
High Novice Pistol: Brad Doan (congrats to Brad as our newest Certified IDPA Safety Officer)
High Unclassified: Jason Karstedt (also High Custom Defensive Pistol)
Most Accurate: Geraldo Cruzado, down 5 for the match, excellent. (Most Accurate are shooters that did not hit a non-threat target on any stage). 24 shooters made the Most Accurate list.
High Concealed Carry Pistol: Lee Williams, UN (new shooter, good job Lee)
High Stock Service Pistol: Gerald Douglas, EX, 3rd Overall
High Enhanced Service Pistol: Shawn Morley, UN
High Rifle (Pistol Caliber Carbine): Geraldo Cruzado, High NV PCC
Setup Crew, Many Thanks: Mike Phillips, Bob Bailey, Don Rawls, Geraldo Cruzado, Marc Richman. My friend Joel Steed from Plainview, Texas was in town and helped set up also. I named a stage “The Alamo” to give him a little thanks.
Match Breakdown:
Ladies – 0
Juniors (17 and under) – 1
Seniors /Distinguished Seniors – 19
Military/Law Enforcement – 7
New Shooters-2
With a metro area population of 700k you would think we could draw more shooters! In the summer these numbers are likely to hold.
Division and Classification breakdown:
Carry Optics Pistol had 19 shooters.
Sharpshooter class had the most IDPA shooters at 11, but that number was tied by Unclassified Shooters.
Stage ideas:
Thanks for your feedback on our stage designs. A Warm Up was back in due to shooter comments. Stages still tight Non-Threats to Threats. We will leave the car out this month, but we will bring it back for the upcoming “Bug Friendly” match in August. We are adding in the 5 by 5 Classifier this month due to shooter comment. We won’t be shooting it again until next year so new shooters should come out and get classified.
Stage winners:
Stage 1, The Alamo [Movement required on both sides, long shots, Corey’s door playing the starring role of the entrance door to the famous chapel]: Jamie Elks, PCC, 25.14 seconds, 2 down. (Tyler Rocha was second and Jonathan Oliver was third).
Stage 2, Hot Dog In A Hallway [excellently designed defensive pistol stage, with shots from retention and backing up required]: Jamie Elks, PCC, 15.23, 0 down. (Jason Karstedt was second and Jonathan Oliver was third).
Stage 3, Drop Turner TEST [our trial run of the two new MGM Drop Turners, one set single drop and the other double drop]: Jonathan Oliver, 18.67, 1 down. (Bob Bailey was second and Matthew Stugart was third).
Stage 4, Grand Theft Auto [Tampa scenario on Dale Mabry, driver’s side of the real car, remaining seated in car]: Gerald Douglas, 15.83, 1 down. (Jason Karstedt was second and Shawn Morley was third).
Stage 5, Failure To Launch [Standards stage with required side to side movement]: Gerald Douglas, 12.41, 0 down. (Bob Bailey was second and Jamie Elks was third).
MGM targets information:
For the other Match Directors that view this report, if you are in need of new Drop Turners or other steel equipment, please contact Mike Gibson Manufacturing out of Caldwell, Idaho. They will give you a discount if you tell them the targets are to be used at an IDPA or USPSA club. Phone number is (208) 454-0555.
From the State IDPA Coordinator:
A reminder came out to place single barrels in the rim down position on stages. A video was taken at Anderson yesterday of a round striking the rim of a barrel with rim up and coming back and striking the ground up range near the shooter and safety officer.
June Stage Breakdown:
Stage 1, “The Alamo”
On this stage, 5 shooters hit a non-threat, and 1 had a procedural error. No shooters shot it perfectly with 0 down and 0 penalty.
Take a look at it below and see how you would approach it:

New Match Update:
Geraldo Cruzado is reporting no action from the Executive Board for the new PCC Match to be held the fourth Sunday of the month at MCRC. We’ll keep you posted as soon as we know something.
Next IDPA match will be Saturday July 27, 2024. Come join us! Help us grow our match by bringing someone with you to a match this year. Neighbor, co-worker, student, folks you see in the gun shop. Get them to come out and shoot or watch a few stages. Our sport grows by word of mouth.
Comments are appreciated (about anything from stage design to the reporting of results) below if you are viewing this on our Facebook page IDPA at MCRC. Or at our e-mail address [email protected].
[submitted by Don Rawls, A653878]
Stage Preview: Me and Mike are still in the planning stages for this month’s match, but we are trying to design some simple stuff that’s easy to set up and take down but still challenging. We have a general theme we are considering. I put this stage together and if it needs any refining, we’ll take care of that before match day.