January 2025 IDPA Report
We had 30 shooters come to our January 25th match at MCRC. The weather was clear; temps started below freezing but made it up to 45 degrees, bays got pretty muddy from the melted snow. 4 scenario stages and the IDPA Abbreviated Classifier. Thanks everyone for attending our match, our MCRC members are committed to hosting a fun and challenging match.
Winners of each class and their division (from Practiscore):
High Master: Tim Fritz (also High Concealed Carry Pistol)
High Expert: Jamie Elks (also High Pistol Caliber Carbine)
High Sharpshooter: Jason Karstedt (also High Custom Defensive Pistol)
(A quick note: the 3 above plus Bob Bailey, EX, Carry Optics Pistol, round out the top 4 shooters at the match, each one in a different Division shooting a very different kind of gun. Maybe the first time I have seen that happen)
High Marksman: Stuart Vernon (Carry Optics Pistol)
High Novice: Kyle Ragland (Stock Service Pistol)
High Unclassified: Tucker Platt (PCC)
Most Accurate: Jason Karstedt, down 7 for the match, excellent. (Most Accurate are shooters that did not hit a non-threat target on any stage). 27 shooters made the Most Accurate list.
High Stock Service Pistol: Buddy Brasington, EX
High Enhanced Service Pistol: Chris Sapienza, EX
High Lady: Shannon Billingsley, UN
Setup Crew: Bob Bailey, Jamie Elks, Marc Richman, Don Rawls. Many thanks to our local MCRC Safety Officers and all the other Safety Officers and Scorekeepers.
Honorable Mention: Look no further than Jamie Elks. 1st place with the rifle, 7th with the pistol, SO’d AND Setup. He reeks of dedication to our sport and our club.
Photos: Lloyd Friend out of Kentucky shot the match and took over 200 professional quality pictures and shared this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/6jcPJ3sTZM4f7t1y8
A really great job Lloyd and an example of what it’s like to attend a match at MCRC, from beginning to end. Be sure and check them out.
Match Breakdown:
Ladies – 1
Juniors (17 and under) – 0
Seniors /Distinguished Seniors – 17
Military/Law Enforcement – 3
Division and Classification breakdown:
Carry Optics Pistol had 10 shooters.
Sharpshooter class had the most IDPA shooters at 9.
Stage winners:
Stage 1, Quick Trip [Cash register start while seated, convenience store shelves used as cover, moving down parallel passageways and shooting through a small window]: Chris Sapienza, ESP, 25.47 seconds, 0 down. (5 shot it clean, 0 down and 0 penalty).
Stage 2, The Joker [Mayhem in the dance hall, started with hands on non-threat, worked left to right, featured the clamshell target we just got working and we will start using it more]: Jamie Elks, PCC, 15.4, 1 down. (2 shot it clean).
Stage 3, Drone Invasion [Steel plates representing drones in front of operators, swinging threat, finishing through a window port]: Tucker Platt, 22.90, 1 down. (No shooters shot it clean).
Stage 4, IDPA SO Class [Reduced count start, movement to both sides, left up after the match for Sunday’s class]: Jamie Elks, CO, 24.45, 2 down. (5 shot it clean).
Safety Officer class on Sunday was a success, we have 10 new IDPA Safety Officers. Locals include: Marc Richman, Barron Smith, and Matthew Stugart. Thank you for your commitment!
January Stage Breakdown:
Stage 1, “Quick Trip”
On this stage, 1 shooter hit a non-threat, and 6 had a procedural error. 5 shooters shot it perfectly with 0 down and 0 penalty.
Take a look at it below and see how you would approach it:

Be sure to sign up early for the upcoming new “MCRC Tactical Match” that we are hosting on February 22, 2025. Announcement will be made using our usual methods. A preview of a stage, you say? Here you go…our approach of a 2-Gun stage in a small bay:

Next IDPA match will be Saturday March 22, 2025. Details forthcoming via our usual methods, Practiscore and our Facebook Page, IDPA At MCRC.
Comments are appreciated (about anything from stage design to the reporting of results) below if you are viewing this on our Facebook page IDPA at MCRC. Or at our e-mail address [email protected].
[submitted by Don Rawls, A653878]